Council Present:
  • Mayor Greg Dionne
  • Councillor Charlene Miller
  • Councillor Terra Lennox-Zepp
  • Councillor Tony Head
  • Councillor Don Cody
  • Councillor Dennis Ogrodnick
  • Councillor Blake Edwards
  • Councillor Dawn Kilmer
  • Councillor Darren Solomon
Admin Present:
  • Jody Boulet, Acting City Manager
  • Terri Mercier, City Clerk
  • Kris Olsen, Fire Chief
  • Jeffrey Da Silva, Director of Public Works
  • Wilna Furstenberg, Communications Manager
  • Kevin Yates, Acting Director of Corporate Services
  • Briane Folmer, Acting Director of Financial Services
  • Craig Guidinger, Director of Planning and Development Services

Mayor Dionne called the meeting to order, stated the Land Acknowledgement and asked the City Clerk to offer the Prayer.

  • Motion No.0217.
    Moved by:Councillor Miller
    Seconded by:Councillor Head

    That the Agenda for this meeting be approved, as presented, and, that the presentations, delegations and speakers listed on the Agenda be heard when called forward by the Mayor.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0218.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That the Minutes of the Council Regular Meeting held June 24, 2024, be taken as read and adopted.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0219.
    Moved by:Councillor Miller
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer
    1. That Bylaw No. 21 of 2024 to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1 of 2019 to rezone a portion of land from FUD - Future Urban Development Zoning District to R4 - High Density Residential Zoning District including adding Street Townhouses as a new use, be given first reading; and,
    2. That Administration be authorized to provide Public Notice for the Public Hearing.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0220.
    Moved by:Councillor Miller
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That Bylaw No. 21 of 2024 be introduced and read a first time. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0221.
    Moved by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    Seconded by:Councillor Head
    1. That Bylaw No. 24 of 2024 to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1 of 2019, to rezone 302 Riverside Drive, legally described as Lot 1, Block 13, Plan CI2892, Extension 0 from CMU - Commercial Mixed Use to R2 - Small Lot Residential, be given first reading; and,
    2. That Bylaw No. 25 of 2024, to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 21 of 2015, to amend:
      1. The land use shown on Schedules 16.1.1 and 16.1.2, from Neighbourhood Commercial to Country Residential (Service Level 2); and,
      2. The land use, Neighbourhood Commercial, shown on Schedule 16.1.20, by removing it in its entirety for the property located at 302 Riverside Drive, legally described as Lot 1, Block 13, Plan CI2892, Extension 0, be given first reading; and,
    3. That Administration be authorized to provide Public Notice for the Public Hearing for both Bylaws. 
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0222.
    Moved by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    Seconded by:Councillor Head

    That Bylaw No. 24 of 2024 be introduced and read a first time. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0223.
    Moved by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    Seconded by:Councillor Head

    That Bylaw No. 25 of 2024 be introduced and read a first time. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0224.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Solomon
    1. That Bylaw No. 26 of 2024 to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1 of 2019, to rezone 325 15th Avenue East, legally described as Lot B, Block 105, Plan 101376064, Extension 66 from R2 – Small Lot Residential to the R3 – Medium Density Residential Zoning District, be given first reading; and,
    2. That Administration be authorized to provide Public Notice for the public hearing.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0225.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Solomon

    That Bylaw No. 26 of 2024 be introduced and read a first time. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Councillor Edwards declared a conflict on this item. (Carlton Park Community Club Board Member)
  • Motion No.0226.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Ogrodnick

    That the following recommendations be approved under the 1st intake of the 2024 Recreation Facility Grant Program and funded through the Community Services Land Fund:

    1. That the Carlton Park Community Club receive $3,469.96 for replacement of a water heater and pressure relief valve in the hall, replacement of the cold line on their beverage cooler and repair of the locks to the hall and zamboni doors;
    2. That the East End Community Club receive $3,153.00 for replacement of the thirty (30) pound refrigerant cylinders and cylinder deposits, upgrading to Light Emitting Diode lighting and repair to the water heater along with other minor maintenance repairs; and,
    3. That the Nordale Community Club receive $10,000 for washroom upgrades, including replacement of all toilets, sinks, urinal components, ceiling tiles and counters.
    In Favour (8)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Conflict (1)Councillor Edwards
  • Motion No.0227.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    1. That the Service Agreement between The City and Prosharp Prince Albert for Skate Sharpening Services at the Kinsmen Arena, be approved for a three (3) year term from September 1, 2024 to April 30, 2027;
    2. That the Annual Service Fee for the term of the Agreement be set at $1,400.00, plus applicable taxes; and,
    3. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Service Agreement on behalf of The City, once prepared.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0228.
    Moved by:Councillor Kilmer
    Seconded by:Councillor Edwards
    1. That The City's Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, be approved.
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any necessary documents on behalf of the City, if required.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0229.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Edwards

    That RPT 2024-207 be received as information and filed.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0230.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer
    1. That the Snow Management and Roadways Special Tax portions of the 2024 taxes on the properties listed in RPT 2024-199, for a total of $6,063.00, be abated due to being unserviced and vacant property, and;
    2. That the Snow Management and Roadways Special Tax portions of the 2024 taxes on Airport parking properties listed in RPT 2024-199, for a total of $1,878.00, be abated due to being unserviced and with development limited to temporary structures.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0231.
    Moved by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That the recipients of the abatement for twelve (12) Personal Care Homes sign an Agreement with The City that the abatement will be realized by the residents of the Homes. 

    In Favour (3)Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, and Councillor Kilmer
    Against (6)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, and Councillor Solomon
    MOTION DEFEATED (3 to 6)
  • Motion No.0232.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Edwards
    1. That the Municipal Property Tax Abatement for twelve (12) Personal Care Homes in the amount of $14,594.21, be approved.
    2. That the Education Property Tax Abatement portion for twelve (12) Personal Care Homes be based on approval from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Government Relations, if required, and the Prince Albert Catholic Separate School Division.
    In Favour (7)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Against (2)Councillor Miller, and Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    CARRIED (7 to 2)
  • Motion No.0233.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Edwards
    1. That the sale of a portion of 8th Avenue West Right-of-Way, legally described as Street/Lane 15, Plan G6163 Extension 15, be approved for $1.00 including Provincial Sales Tax; and,
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Sale Agreement and any other required documentation, on behalf of The City, once prepared.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0234.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    1. That the Letter of Understanding between The City and SaskBuilds and Procurement, Government of Saskatchewan, be approved; and,
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Letter of Understanding on behalf of The City.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0235.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That the License Agreement between The City and Children’s Choice Development Co-operative located at 3100 Dunn Drive, for the use of a portion of Park and Municipal Reserve Land, legally described as MR6, Plan 80PA17588, Extension 1 and Parcel Z, Plan 80PA17588 Extension 0, be approved for a  five (5) year term from August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2029.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0236.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Solomon

    That the Permanent Sign Application for a Freestanding and Digital Sign, to be located at 4115 7th Avenue East, legally described as Parcel 1, Plan 102375446, be approved.

    In Favour (8)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Absent (1)Councillor Cody
    CARRIED (8 to 0)
  • Motion No.0237.
    Moved by:Councillor Kilmer
    Seconded by:Councillor Ogrodnick

    That the First Time Home Buyer Program Application for Tara Peterson, for the purchase of 428 13th Street West, be approved for $5,000, funded through the Housing Reserve.

    In Favour (8)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Absent (1)Councillor Cody
    CARRIED (8 to 0)
  • Motion No.0238.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Edwards
    1. That the Derelict Property Demolition Incentive Program be approved for an eighteen (18) month term from August 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026; and,
    2. That a comprehensive review of the Program be completed by Quarter 2 of 2026, to be submitted for consideration by the Executive Committee.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0239.
    Moved by:Councillor Kilmer
    Seconded by:Councillor Head

    That the request to alter the Municipal Heritage Property known as the Holmes Residence, currently referred to as Kilarney Kastle, located at 585 19th Street East, legally described as Lots 20-23, Block 34, Plan B651, be approved.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0240.
    Moved by:Councillor Cody
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That the amount of $27,500, which represents fifty percent (50%) of the costs associated with the Prince Albert and District Chamber of Commerce relocation from the Tourism Centre to 54 11th Street East, be approved and funded from Fiscal Stabilization.  

    In Favour (8)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Against (1)Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    CARRIED (8 to 1)
  • Motion No.0241.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Solomon
    1. That the Servicing Agreement between The City and Friends of Saskatchewan Children Inc. for the completion of underground services for 25th Street West be approved;
    2. That the estimated cost of $1,010,000 for the construction of underground servicing be funded from the Land Fund, with an estimated cost recovery in the amount of $788,832 to be paid over five (5) years by Friends of Saskatchewan Children Inc. (Ronald McDonald House);
    3. That public access to 25th Street West from 7th to 10th Avenue be restricted upon commencement of the underground construction until the completion of the surface work in 2025; and,
    4. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement subject to negotiation and approval by the City Solicitor.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Councillor Head declared a conflict on this item. (Subject of the report)
  • Councillor Lennox-Zepp declared a conflict on this item. (I am involved in an analogous matter)
  • Councillor Miller declared a conflict on this item. (Named in the report)
  • Mayor Dionne declared a conflict on this item. (Subject of the request)
  • Councillor Solomon assumed the Chair at 3:16 p.m.

    Motion No.0242.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Cody

    That payment be authorized pursuant to section 317(3)(a) of The Cities Act, in the total amount of $10,308.75, funded through Legal Services, to cover the legal costs incurred personally by Mayor Dionne in successfully defending two unfounded Code of Ethics Bylaw complaints initiated against him directly by persons who had involvement in the Municipal Labour Strike.

    In Favour (5)Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Conflict (4)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, and Councillor Head

    Mayor Dionne resumed the Chair at 3:27 p.m. 

Why have indoor swimming lessons been reduced (45) forty-five minutes instead of the previous one (1) hour for several lessons. Why have several indoor swimming lesson sessions been reduced from ten (10) days to eight (8) days of lessons. 

Why was it that last year the outdoor lessons were two (2) weeks in duration, with a lesson every weekday for a total ten (10) days of lessons and this year, they are reduced to two (2) weeks in duration but no lessons on Fridays for a total of eight (8) days of lessons.

How much say does the Mayor and City Council have with regards to the City Police operations. 

  • Motion No.0243.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That the June 24, 2024 City Council Inquiry Responses be received as information and filed. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon


  • Motion No.0244.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp

    That Administration provide a report on the unfunded 2024 Budget item allowing access to the vacant lot located at 11th Street East and Central Avenue, and provide a new cost if The City waived the fees to cut the trees down and the overall cost to prepare the lot. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0245.
    Moved by:Councillor Kilmer
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That the Council adjourn at 4:15 p.m.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
No Item Selected