Council Present:
  • Mayor Greg Dionne
  • Councillor Charlene Miller
  • Councillor Terra Lennox-Zepp
  • Councillor Tony Head
  • Councillor Don Cody
  • Councillor Dennis Ogrodnick
  • Councillor Blake Edwards
  • Councillor Dawn Kilmer
  • Councillor Darren Solomon
Admin Present:
  • Sherry Person, City Manager
  • Terri Mercier, City Clerk
  • Kris Olsen, Fire Chief
  • Mitchell Holash, K.C., City Solicitor
  • Jeffrey Da Silva, Director of Public Works
  • Kiley Bear, Director of Corporate Services
  • Wilna Furstenberg, Communications Manager
  • Ramona Fauchoux, Director of Financial Services
  • Craig Guidinger, Director of Community Development
  • Tim Yeaman, Acting Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture

Mayor Dionne called the meeting to order, stated the Land Acknowledgement and asked the City Clerk to offer the Prayer.

  • Motion No.0246.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Ogrodnick

    That the Agenda for this meeting be approved, with the following amendments, and, that the presentations, delegations and speakers listed on the Agenda be heard when called forward by the Mayor:

    1. That the Correspondence from Gloria Korsak dated August 16, 2024, be added for consideration with Item No. 10.11.
    2. That the Correspondence from Ron Pederson dated August 19, 2024, be added for consideration with Item No. 10.11.
    3. That the Correspondence from Mark and Kathryn Nagy dated August 16, 2024, be added for consideration with Item No. 10.6.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0247.
    Moved by:Councillor Miller
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That the Minutes of the Council Regular Meeting held July 22, 2024, be taken as read and adopted.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Mayor Dionne declared the Hearing open.

    Craig Guidinger, Director of Community Development presented the matter of the Zoning Amendment on behalf of Administration.

    Mayor Dionne declared the Hearing closed.

    Motion No.0248.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That Bylaw No. 21 of 2024, to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1 of 2019, be given second and third readings.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0249.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That Bylaw No. 21 of 2024 be read a second time. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0250.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That Bylaw No. 21 of 2024 be read a third time and passed; and, that Bylaw No. 21 of 2024 be now adopted, sealed and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Mayor Dionne declared the Hearing open.

    Craig Guidinger, Director of Community Development presented the matter of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments on behalf of Administration. 

    Mayor Dionne declared the Hearing closed.

    Motion No.0251.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    1. That Bylaw No. 24 of 2024, to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1 of 2019, to rezone 302 Riverside Drive, legally described as Lot 1, Block 13, Plan CI2892, Extension 0 from CMU - Commercial Mixed Use to R2 - Small Lot Residential, be given second and third reading;
    2. That Bylaw No. 25 of 2024, to amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 21 of 2015, be amended as follows:
      1. That Subsection 1a) be deleted in its entirety; and,
      2. That the following Subsection 1a) be added:

        "That the land use shown on Schedule 16.1.1 and 16.1.2 for Lot 1, Block 13, Plan CI2892, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, be amended from Neighbourhood Mixed Use to Country Residential - Service Level 2;”

    3. That Bylaw No. 25 of 2024, as amended, be given second and third reading.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0252.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp

    That Bylaw No. 24 of 2024 be read a second time. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0253.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp

    That Bylaw No. 24 of 2024 be read a third time and passed; and, that Bylaw No. 24 of 2024 be now adopted, sealed and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0254.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    1. That Bylaw No. 25 of 2024, be amended as follows:
      1. That Subsection 1a) be deleted in its entirety; and,
      2. That the following Subsection 1a) be added:

    "That the land use shown on Schedule 16.1.1 and 16.1.2 for Lot 1, Block 13, Plan CI2892, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, be amended from Neighbourhood Mixed Use to Country Residential - Service Level 2;”

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0255.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp

    That Bylaw No. 25 of 2024, as amended, be read a second time. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0256.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp

    That Bylaw No. 25 of 2024, as amended, be read a third time and passed; and, that Bylaw No. 25 of 2024 be now adopted, sealed and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Mayor Dionne declared the Hearing open.

    A neighboring resident of 325 15th Avenue East spoke in opposition of the rezoning. 

    Craig Guidinger, Director of Community Development presented the matter of the Zoning Bylaw Amendment on behalf of Administration. 

    Mayor Dionne declared the Hearing closed.

    Motion No.0257.
    Moved by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That Bylaw No. 26 of 2024, to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1 of 2019, to rezone 325 15th Avenue East, legally described as Lot B, Block 105, Plan 101376064, Extension 66 from R2 – Small Lot Residential to the R3 – Medium Density Residential Zoning District, be given second and third reading.

    In Favour (3)Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, and Councillor Kilmer
    Against (6)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, and Councillor Solomon
    MOTION DEFEATED (3 to 6)
  • Motion No.0258.
    Moved by:Councillor Kilmer
    Seconded by:Councillor Edwards
    1. That the Professional Services Agreement for the 2024 Environmental Services be awarded to Tetra Tech Canada Inc. in the amount of $69,000, plus applicable taxes, and,
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement and any other applicable documents on behalf of The City, once prepared.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0259.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer
    1. That the Funding Agreement up to $60,000 between The City and Metis Central Western 2 for Lifeguard Training be approved; and,
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of The City, once prepared.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0260.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Solomon

    That up to $70,000 be funded from the Community Services Land Fund Reserve to fund the shortfall in funding for the Rotary Adventure Park Enhancements.

    In Favour (8)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Against (1)Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    CARRIED (8 to 1)
  • Motion No.0261.
    Moved by:Councillor Miller
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That the 2023 Public Accounts, as attached to RPT 2024-239, be approved and posted on The City’s website.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0262.
    Moved by:Councillor Cody
    Seconded by:Councillor Head
    1. That an abatement to Catholic Family Services of Prince Albert Inc. for the 2024 tax portion attributed to the Prince Albert Roman Catholic Separate School Division No. 6, for the property at 1008 1st Avenue West, in the amount of $3,100.72, be approved, conditional upon approval by the School Board;
    2. That an abatement to Prince Albert Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Inc. for the property located at 1125 North Industrial Drive, in the amount of $6,191.71, be approved; and,
    3. That an abatement to Masonic Temple Corporation for the property located at 292 15th Avenue East, in the amount of $830.53, be approved.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  1. Carolyn Vis
  2. Lee-Ann Hackl & Ray Harper
  3. Amber Kletzel & Craig Grainger
  4. Shalayn Fielder
  5. Mark & Kathryn Nagy (Presented at Meeting)
  • Motion No.0263.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer
    1. That Bylaw No. 23 of 2024, to close the Agnew Street Walkway, be introduced and given first reading; and,
    2. That Administration be authorized to proceed with Public Notice.
    In Favour (8)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Against (1)Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    CARRIED (8 to 1)
  • Motion No.0264.
    Moved by:Councillor Ogrodnick
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That Bylaw No. 23 of 2024 be introduced and read a first time. 

    In Favour (7)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
    Against (1)Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    Absent (1)Councillor Head
    CARRIED (7 to 1)
  • Motion No.0265.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Solomon

    That the Permanent Sign Application for a Digital Sign to be located at 1601 2nd Avenue West, legally described as Lot 47, Block 13, Plan No. 101843760, be approved.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0266.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp
    1. That the Affordable Housing Program Application made by Prince Albert Community Housing Society Incorporated for $30,000, for the development of eight (8) affordable housing units, to be located at 354 6th Street East, be approved, subject to the Applicant entering into a fifteen (15) year Operating Agreement with The City; and,
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement and any other related documents on behalf of The City, once prepared.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0267.
    Moved by:Councillor Cody
    Seconded by:Councillor Edwards

    That the Discretionary Use Development Permit Application for the expansion of the Northern Lights Casino located at 44 Marquis Road West, legally described as Block CC, Plan No. 101305280, Extension 95, be approved subject to submission and approval of the final plans by Administration.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0268.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer
    1. That the Lease Agreement between The City and Garden River Contracting Ltd. for the two (2) buildings located at the former Bioreactor Site legally described as South East quarter (¼) 29-25-W2nd, be approved at a rate of $18,802.74 per year, plus a two percent (2%) per annum rate increase for each year thereafter, for a five (5) year term commencing June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2029; and,
    2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Lease Agreement and any other required documentation on behalf of The City, once prepared.
    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  1. Ron Pederson (Presented at Meeting)
  • Motion No.0269.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That the Discretionary Use Development Permit Application for a Residential Care Home for up to five (5) people not including staff or receiving family, to be located at 696 6th Street East, legally described as Lot 35, Block 7, Plan A, Extension 0, be approved, subject to:

    1.  The final review and approval of the site plans by Administration; and,

    2.  Completion of a public meeting to be held at City Hall regarding the proposed care home. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0270.
    Moved by:Councillor Solomon
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That the Action Items be updated as indicated in the Open Items document, as attached to RPT 2024-232.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0271.
    Moved by:Councillor Head
    Seconded by:Councillor Miller

    That RPT 2024-248 be received as information and filed.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon

Is the Aquatic and Arenas project on budget and on time.

The City Manager advised that the costs outlined in the project funding models approved by Council are on budget and on time.

  1. Why is only half of Sibbald Drive being repaved this year. 
  2. How was the decision made to only complete the Southern half of the Drive over the Northern half of the Drive. 

What information can you provide about the dig/development on 15th Street East, and when will the contaminated soil be removed. 

The Director of Public Works advised that the land owner is complying with environmental regulations to ensure the contaminated soils are removed from the land. 

When will the splash park at Midtown officially open. 

The Acting Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture advised that the splash park is waiting for the completion of concrete and asphalt along with reviewing proper drainage on the East side of Community Centre prior to opening the park. 

  • Motion No.0272.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Head

    That the July 22, 2024 City Council Inquiry Responses be received as information and filed. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon

That Administration prepare a report for the 2025 Budget Committee regarding removal of private side residential lead pipe replacements in conjunction with the City's lead pipe removal efforts, including payment options for the removal of lead pipes on the private side.

That Administration proceed with developing a proposal for consideration by the Province for a Complex Needs Centre, that will provide a safe place for people who are intoxicated and pose a danger to themselves or others.  The proposal will speak to a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach and The City will play a leading role in establishing this Centre. 


  • Motion No.0273.

    That pursuant to the provisions of the City's Procedure Bylaw No. 23 of 2021, that the Notice of Provisions be waived to permit consideration of Councillor Edwards motion regarding the need for a Complex Needs Centre. 

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0274.
    Moved by:Councillor Edwards
    Seconded by:Councillor Kilmer

    That Administration proceed with developing a proposal for consideration by the Province for a Complex Needs Centre that will provide a safe place for people who are intoxicated and pose a danger to themselves or others.  The proposal will speak to a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach and the City will continue to play a leading role in establishing this Centre.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
  • Motion No.0275.
    Moved by:Councillor Kilmer
    Seconded by:Councillor Lennox-Zepp

    That the Council adjourn at 4:10 p.m.

    In Favour (9)Mayor Dionne, Councillor Miller, Councillor Lennox-Zepp, Councillor Head, Councillor Cody, Councillor Ogrodnick, Councillor Edwards, Councillor Kilmer, and Councillor Solomon
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